Dear Parents/Carers
I hope that you and your family have had a fantastic summer holiday. I am sure that
your children were more than ready this morning to return to Elmwood Juniors for the
exciting start of a new academic year. Myself and all the staff have worked hard getting
ready for the new term and are expecting this year to be an amazing year for your
child. You will notice that we are now in the process of replacing the old hut with a new
2 story modular building opposite the office entrance. This new build will create 2 new
classrooms and additional office space in our pursuit to improve our educational
facilities at Elmwood.

Meet The Teacher Afternoons
We will be giving you an opportunity to meet your child’s new class teacher during the
second week of term. These meetings will all start at 15:20 in the school hall with a
short presentation from the Headteacher and Senior Leaders of the school. Followed by
a chance to visit your children’s classroom and meet your child’s new class teacher.
Dates are as follows at 15:20 in the school hall
Tuesday 10th September – Lower Juniors – Years 3 & 4
Wednesday 11th September – Upper Juniors – Years 5 & 6

A huge thank you for ensuring your child has the correct school uniform today. Can I
take this opportunity to remind you that footwear should be black and that we do not
permit jewellery, except for stud earrings.