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Elmwood International Summer Fair

Come join us this weekend at the Elmwood International Summer Fair. £1 entry fee with a variety of stalls, games, our school choir and more! 12.00pm – 3.00pm!

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Year 5 Programming

In Computing, Year 5 have been learning how to program micro:Bits. Micro:bits are tiny pocket sized computers that you can program to do different things. Using the program Make Code, the children programmed their Micro:bit’s to show their names, display different emojis, and created a heart beat!

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Croydon Schools Music Association Junior Choir

On Wednesday 6th March, 30 children from Upper School Choir represented Elmwood in the Croydon Schools Music Association Junior Choir. They were joined with children from other Junior schools across Croydon to create a choir of over 500 children. They showed the values of resilience (in working so hard at all the rehearsals to learn …

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Netball Tournament

In the spring term, Elmwood Netball team went to Royal Russell School to compete in a tournament against 14 other Croydon schools. Our team won 5 out of 6 of their matches landing them in the finals. We then went on to win our finals match, having scored our winning goal on the final whistle! …

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Book Week

The theme for this year’s Book Week was the night, inspired by Katrina Wolf’s: The Insomniacs. The children were read the book in assembly and completed a writing task about coming to school at night. There were then various activities during the week, including: dressing up in pyjamas and reading in the dark, reading with …

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Year 5 Hampton Court Trip

Year 5 have been learning all about the Tudors, so what better way to learn even more about the Tudors than to visit Henry VIII’s very own home – Hampton Court Palace. We got to: see Henry VIII’s apartments, explore the beautiful gardens, try and find our way out of a Tudor Maze, see the …

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Year 4 King’s College Oral Health Visit

In the spring term, year 4 were lucky enough to be visited by a dentist from King’s College Hospital. During the session, the children were taught about the importance of dental hygiene, the  nutritional value of different snacks and how to keep teeth clean and healthy!


Year 3 Christmas Production – ‘No one wraps like an elf’

This term, the children took part in their Christmas production. They worked hard to bring the spirit of the season to life through their performances. The play showcased not only their creativity, but also their teamwork and dedication. It was great to see how resilient and confident the children were! A huge well done to …

Year 6 Drama Geezers

On Thursday 29th November, Year 6 were visited by the Drama Geezers. This is the third year they have been to Elmwood and it is definitely an event we look forward to. This year, they visited as part of Year 6’s theme of ‘Activism and Enterprise’. Each class had a 50 minute session where they …



On Friday 10th November, all pupils and staff gathered on the playground to pay their respects to all those that have lost their lives in war.  We marked our respects with the last post (played by Mr Parkhouse) followed by a minute of silence.



Year 6 children have been learning how to become confident cyclists, capable of cycling on the roads. They have been taught by the company ‘Cycling Instructor’. This has involved the children practising in the playground before graduating to cycling on the local roads. The children have loved developing their skills and growing in independence. We …

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School Uniform Expectations from September 2023

We would like to remind parents of the school uniform expectations from September 2023. School reopens for pupils on Wednesday 6th September, we wish everyone a kind and relaxing summer break.

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Ofsted Result – Elmwood Juniors continues to be a good school!

As a school we continue to be Good in the judgements of Ofsted. What is notable in the report, isthe mention of the high expectations for behaviour and academic excellence which Elmwood Staffexpect of your child. The excellent professional attitude of Elmwood staff has enabled your child toreceive a very good education. I would like …