For all SEND enquiries, please contact our Special Needs Co-ordinator (SENDCO) Mrs J Kriesler:

All Croydon schools are committed to and adopt a similar approach to meeting the needs of all pupils including those with special educational needs. There is a shared expectation that all pupils, regardless of their specific needs, should be offered inclusive teaching which will enable them to make the best possible progress in school and ensure they can actively participate in the wider aspects of school life.
For further information on the Croydon Local Offer, please click here

Further information on the Croydon Locality SEND Support.

At Elmwood Junior School we strive to create a sense of community and belonging for all our pupils. We have an inclusive ethos with high expectations and appropriate expected outcomes, a broad and balanced curriculum for all children and systems in place for the early identification of barriers to learning and participation. For further information, please see the school’s SEN Information Report below or contact the SENDCO Mrs Kriesler (


External Links

Please see below for links to useful information, guidance, and resources:

The National Autistic Society –
British Dyslexia Association –
Dyspraxia Collective –
The Communication Trust –
SEND Information, Advice and Support Service (KIDS—SENDIASS) –
Family Lives –

Guide for Parents/Carers on ASD
Autism – My sibling and me
Adult Colouring Book
Big Feelings Come and Go