Logging Into Google Classroom

Each pupil at Elmwood Junior School has access to Google Classroom from any Internet connected device. We’ve produced this quick guide for any issues you might have in logging in and using Google Classroom.

  1. Visit https://classroom.google.com

To sign in, you can click on the blue button ‘Go to Classroom’ if its showing on the front page, if this isn’t then click on ‘sign in’ on the top right corner then select ‘Google Classroom’ 

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You should now be prompted to type in your username. Remember your username takes the format of your.306@elmwoodjun.org.

You will then be prompted for your password. This is your usual .306 password that you use on many other websites. 

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Once you’ve signed in you need to add your classroom. Simply click on the + icon in the top right, and click join class. 

Your classroom teacher will have give you the unique class code for your class. Simply add it here and click join. 

After clicking join you will now have access to your online Google Classroom. 

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Common Issues
I’ve logged into Google Classroom and it says I am unable to access the classroom or the room isn’t available.

A common issue is that many browsers will store a users login information. If the browser has previously signed into a Google account, it will automatically log into Google Classroom with that information. If a non-school user is signed in you cannot access the classrooms due to security.
To work around this issue you will need to either sign out of your personal Google account on Chrome, use an in-private window or download and install another browser on your computer such as Firefox or Microsoft Edge (Windows) and use this specifically for your home learning. 

If you are accessing via a mobile device, you will probably need to sign out of any personal accounts on the device web browsers, or use an in-private browsing session.